
如何在 Rocky Linux 9 上安装 Seafile

Seafile能够跨设备存储和共享文件,并提供备份和同步功能,是企业和个人的热门选择。在Rocky Linux 9上使用Seafile的好处之一是操作系统附带的安全性。Rocky Linux 9 是一个社区驱动的企业级 Linux 发行版,强调稳定性和安全性。通过在 Rocky Linux 9 上托管 Seafile,您可以放心地知道您的文件存储在安全的平台上。


在 Rocky Linux 9 上安装 Seafile

第 1 步。首先,通过运行以下命令更新系统软件包:

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install epel-release

第 2 步。安装海文件依赖项。

Seafile 是用 Python Django 框架编写的,你需要安装它的依赖项和 Python 包才能让它工作。运行以下命令以安装 Python 工具、Pip 包管理器、SQL 库和 Memcached:

sudo dnf install python3 python3-devel python3-imaging MySQL-python3 python3-simplejson python3-setuptools mariadb mariadb-server nginx gcc mysql-devel

接下来,使用 pip3 安装 Python 所需的模块:

sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
sudo pip3 install pylibmc captcha jinja2 django-pylibmc django-simple-captcha python3-ldap mysqlclient
sudo pip3 install future sqlalchemy==1.4.3

第 3 步。在 Rocky Linux 9 上安装 MariaDB 数据库。

默认情况下,MariaDB 在 Rocky Linux 9 基础存储库中可用。现在运行以下命令将最新的稳定版本的 MariaDB 安装到您的系统中:

sudo dnf install mariadb-server mariadb

安装完成后,启动 MariaDB 服务并通过运行以下命令使其在启动时自动启动:

sudo systemctl enable mariadb --now
sudo systemctl start mariadb
sudo systemctl status mariadb

要检查安装的 MariaDB 版本,请运行以下命令:

mariadb --version

默认情况下,MariaDB 未强化。您可以使用脚本保护 MariaDB。您应该仔细阅读并在每个步骤下方仔细阅读,这将设置root密码,删除匿名用户,禁止远程root登录,并删除测试数据库和对安全MariaDB的访问权限:mysql_secure_installation



- Set root password? [Y/n] y
- Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y
- Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y
- Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y
- Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y


CREATE DATABASE ccnet_server;
CREATE DATABASE seahub_server;
CREATE DATABASE seafile_server;


CREATE USER 'seafile'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-strong-passwd';


GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ccnet_server.* TO 'seafile'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON seahub_server.* TO 'seafile'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON seafile_server.* TO 'seafile'@'localhost';

第 3 步。在 Rocky Linux 9 上安装 Seafile。


wget https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/download.seadrive.org/seafile-server_10.0.1_x86-64.tar.gz

接下来,将 tar 文件解压缩到目录:/srv

sudo tar -xvf seafile-server_10.0.1_x86-64.tar.gz -C /srv
sudo mv /srv/seafile-server_10.0.1 /srv/seafile


cd /srv/seafile 
sudo ./setup-seafile-mysql.sh

按照提示使用 MariaDB 设置您的 Seafile 服务器。

Checking python on this machine ...

This script will guide you to setup your seafile server using MySQL.
Make sure you have read seafile server manual at


Press ENTER to continue

接下来,通过为服务器提供一个名称(域名)来配置您的 Seafile 服务器:

What is the name of the server? It will be displayed on the client.
3 - 15 letters or digits
[ server name ] idroot

What is the ip or domain of the server?
For example: www.idroot.us,
[ This server's ip or domain ] seafile.idroot.us

Which port do you want to use for the seafile fileserver?
[ default "8082" ]

接下来,系统将要求您选择一种初始化 Seafile 数据库的方法:

Please choose a way to initialize seafile databases:

[1] Create new ccnet/seafile/seahub databases
[2] Use existing ccnet/seafile/seahub databases

[ 1 or 2 ] 2

接下来,系统将要求您输入 Seafile 的数据库详细信息:

What is the host of mysql server?
[ default "localhost" ]

What is the port of mysql server?
[ default "3306" ]

Which mysql user to use for seafile?
[ mysql user for seafile ] seafile

What is the password for mysql user "seafile"?
[ password for seafile ]

verifying password of user seafile ...  done

Enter the existing database name for ccnet:
[ ccnet database ] ccnet_server

verifying user "seafile" access to database ccnet_db ...  done

Enter the existing database name for seafile:
[ seafile database ] seafile_server

verifying user "seafile" access to database seafile_db ...  done

Enter the existing database name for seahub:
[ seahub database ] seahub_server

verifying user "seafile" access to database seahub_db ...  done

您将看到您的 Seafile 配置。按回车键继续安装:

This is your configuration

    server name:            idroot
    server ip/domain:       seafile.idroot.us

    seafile data dir:       /opt/seafile/seafile-data
    fileserver port:        8082

    database:               use existing
    ccnet database:         ccnet_server
    seafile database:       seafile_server
    seahub database:        seahub_server
    database user:          seafile

Press ENTER to continue, or Ctrl-C to abort


Generating ccnet configuration ...

Generating seafile configuration ...

Generating seahub configuration ...

Now creating ccnet database tables ...

Now creating seafile database tables ...

Now creating seahub database tables ...


creating seafile-server-latest symbolic link ...  done

Your seafile server configuration has been finished successfully.

run seafile server:     ./seafile.sh { start | stop | restart }
run seahub  server:     ./seahub.sh  { start <port> | stop | restart <port> }

If you are behind a firewall, remember to allow input/output of these tcp ports:

port of seafile fileserver:   8082
port of seahub:               8000

When problems occur, Refer to


for information.

最后,启动 Seafile 服务器服务以帮助我们进行文件上传、文件下载和文件同步:

cd /srv/seafile/    
sudo ./seafile.sh start

现在启动Seahub Web UI服务:

cd /srv/seafile/
sudo ./seahub.sh start


It's the first time you start the seafile server. Now let's create the admin account

What is the email for the admin account?
[ admin email ] ngadimin@idroot.us

What is the password for the admin account?
[ admin password ]

Enter the password again:
[ admin password again ]

Successfully created seafile admin

Seahub is started


第 4 步。创建海文件系统服务。


sudo tee  /etc/systemd/system/seafile.service<<EOF
After= mysql.service

ExecStart=/srv/seafile-server-latest/seafile.sh start
ExecStop=/srv/seafile-server-latest/seafile.sh stop


为Seahub Web UI创建一个systemd单元文件:

sudo tee  /etc/systemd/system/seahub.service<<EOF
After= mysql.service

ExecStart=/srv/seafile-server-latest/seahub.sh start
ExecStop=/srv/seafile-server-latest/seahub.sh stop



默认情况下,防火墙在 Rocky Linux 上启用。Seafile 的默认端口是端口号,而 Seahub 的默认端口是端口 。要允许端口通过防火墙,请发出以下命令:80828000

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8000/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8082/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

第 6 步。访问海文件网页界面。

成功安装后,打开您的 Web 浏览器并使用 URL 访问 Seafile Web 界面。您应该看到以下页面:http://seafile.idroot.us:8000


感谢您使用本教程在您的 Rocky Linux 9 系统上安装 Seafile。如需其他帮助或有用信息,我们建议您查看官方 Seafile 网站。

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